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Welcome to BASF Warehouse Safety Assessment
An effective Transportation and Distribution Safety (TDS) strategy forms an integral part of the BASF Group 'values and principles' in ensuring sustainable development and commitment to Responsible Care ®

In Asia Pacific, BASF has extended a large program of safety assessment schemes in safe transportation and distribution. The Warehouse Safety Assessment (WSA) is a tool used to assess the quality, safety and environmental management systems of third party warehouses in a uniform manner using a standardized questionnaire. The purpose of this initiative is to enhance the continuous improvement in the transportation and distribution safety processes within the supply chain.

WSA will be performed and documented to the same high standards in all leased warehouses in the Asia Pacific Region. The trained Safety Adviser (defined as Assessor) will be responsible for undertaking these WSAs. At the end of each review, corrective and improvement actions will be discussed and agreed between the Assessor and the Assessed Company.

If you have any questions or would like to give us feedback, please contact either the Safety Advisor in your country or Regional BASF Transportation and Distribution Safety, AS/ET, based in Singapore.

Content: Nguyen Bui | Administration: Nguyen Bui | Copyright 2008 BASF IT Services GmbH